Saturday, November 26, 2011

Thanksgiving Over and all Decorated for Christmas

We had a good Thanksgiving Day dinner at the recreation hall here in the park. A lot of good friends and Mom & Dad was there. All kind of food to over stuff yourself on. I was a good boy and only had one plate of food and skipped desert all together. (I think the size of my plate had a lot to do with 1 plate and no desert !!! But don't tell anyone.)

On Friday Denise and I took out the Christmas decorations and put them up. Looks good too. Not as good as one of our neighbors, but we don,t have a storage shed down here or room to carry all they have to put up.

A few pics to show our decorations and some of the rest of the parks. The top pic is of the neighbor with all the decorations. The pic of Santa flat against the tree was taken after he left the Cheers and Beers. ( I Think ??) Why else would have he fell out his sled and landed against that tree.

Monday, November 14, 2011

In Florida and All Set Up

We made it to Florida with no problems. Traffic was good all the way and so was the weather.

We stayed in Indiana for 4 days then in Alabama for a week. Next stop was in White Springs, Florida for a night. We arrived here in Lake Port on November 7th.

Have everything all set up and ready for the winter. (If you can call this winter) Will be here for at least 5 months.

Dad and I bought a Bass Boat to keep down here so we don't have to triple tow. Sure is a lot less stressful just pulling the 5'ver, than having a boat behind that you can't even see. You don't have any idea if anything is wrong or even if it is still there.

Here's some pics of the boat. It's a Ranger 363v with a 175hp Evinrude. Older boat but has been taken good care of.