Tuesday, September 29, 2009


We arrived in Coldwater, Mi. on Saturday sept. 26. Went to Potawatomie campgrounds and got set up. Visited with our friends Ned & Beth Yearling and Ron & Katrina Mosher till around 7:oo then we all went to Butler Motor Speedway to watch my daughter Denim race her car. Butler is a 3/8th mile dirt track. It was very exciting to watch my dare devil daughter race even though her car did not cooperate the whole race. It lost power 1/2 way thru the race. Here is a couple of pics of Denim racing. They didn't come out very well cause it was dark. Sorry.
Spent the day Sunday relaxing and going over to mom & dads for dinner.
On Monday we took the 5ver to mom & dads to repack the wheel bearings and check the breaks. My brother and sister inlaw Greg & Laura Allen came over to visit and of course mom made a big dinner for all of us.
On Tuesday mom & dad came over to visit. While there my aunt Vicci & Denny came over. We all went to Angola, In.to a Mexican restaurant for dinner. Good food and company.
Tomorrow off to Indiana.

Sunday, September 20, 2009


On Saturday 9/19/09 the Ohio gang had their annual walleye and perch fish fry; while there we were surprised with a going away cake and cards. We have met alot of friends here. hoping we all stay in touch. It's going to be a sad day when we pull out, but a new and exiting adventure is ahead of us. Hope to keep meeting good people and making friends all over the U.S.A.
Thanks to all that surprised us that day.
Here is a few pics of that day.

Thursday, September 17, 2009

It's Almost Time !!!

Well time is running out here at Matson's. In just a little over a week we will be on the road. Leaving the 26th heading to Coldwater. Mich. to visit family and friends before we leave the state. While there we will get to watch my daugther Denim race at Butler Motor Speedway. Looking forward to that. Will be at Potawatomie campgrounds 26th to the 30th.
Then off to Marion, Ind. to visit more family and friends and watch Mississinewa 1812 reenactment. Will be staying at Salamonie Reservoir Lost Bridge West State Park from Sept. 30th till October 3rd.
Then off to Coffeyville, Kansas. Will arrive on October 5th. Set up camp and stay the night;then drive to Fort Sill Ok. to visit Denise's son and family. Will be great to see our grand kids again. It's been a long time. TOOOOOOOOOOOOO long.

Denise's Fish

This is Whopper that Denise caught the other day. It's not the biggest salmon but it will be one of the tastiest. I would like to have a dozen like this.
Ooh ya, she also skunked me that day with it !!!!