Wednesday, May 25, 2011

A Rainy Day (Yipee)

Most people don't like rainy days, but I do because I can take it easy and relax. This year has been a busy one with the wedding coming up and the rest of the regular work that needs done. I haven't even took time to fish up here yet. (I know, I know that's hard to believe)

I have redid the area that was all washed out and it looks good. Now if the grass grows fast as we only have a week and a half before the wedding. It will be a nice break when I head to Alaska June 21st. A well deserved 2 week break. Looking forward to seeing Levi, Katie and Dakota. Hope to take them sight seeing while there. Do a little fishing, enjoy Alaska and the kids.

Saturday, May 14, 2011

Good Year for Shrooms

Well our trip was cut short because of a storm that dumped 7 to 8 inches of rain on the campgrounds in Manistee, so we went back after 5 days of hunting to help get Matson's campground straightened up.

We ended up with 2006 mushrooms in 5 days and left just as they were getting prime. Every place we stopped and looked we found shrooms.

The rain caused big wash outs in the roads and banks. Washed all the black dirt and grass seed (that I worked so hard to get down before we left) into the river. I get to do it again. (Whoopee)

Oh well at least I have lost 10 pounds since we have got here. I guess a little hard work doesn't hurt. Better for me than all the goodies and fishing in Florida. (Where I gained 20 pounds over the winter)

Saturday, May 7, 2011

We Got Shrooms

We went out for a look this afternoon and found 255 shrooms. Not to bad for the first look.


We're in Atlanta, Michigan Mushrooming. Will be here at least a week. Hope we get a lot of them.

On the way over here we seen a Bald Eagle setting in a tree along the road, as we were getting ready to pass it it flew out and along the road a ways. Beautiful site.

Will post later to let ya'all know how we're doin.