Thursday, April 28, 2011

Getting A Lot Done

OK, we have been back in Michigan for 15 days now and getting a lot done. Leaves are picked up and over the hill. The cabins are opened up and clean. The trees that were blew over during the winter are cut up and cleaned up. I dug the stumps out and hauled them off. Trailers are moved around for the new people.

Everything is on hold right now because of the weather. Rain, rain and more rain. Haven't been able to do much the last few days. The river is trying to come out of its banks. The ground is soft and saturated and the moods are damp. Need this rain to go away so we can get more done around here. The wedding is June 4 and we have a lot to do to make this place look like Buckingham Palace. Les thinks she is royalty, so we are working extra hard to keep up with her expectations.

Haven't even had time to put the boat in and fish. That's OK because the water is to high and I have enough fish any ways. Pike season open Saturday and maybe I will fish then.

Ooh yea I also mounted an TV antenna on the roof of the truck camper and a TV inside of it. Ran all the wiring and dewinterized it so it's ready for mushroom season. Did a lot of that in the rain because that is the only time I have to do my stuff.

Tuesday, April 12, 2011

In Michigan For The Summer

Well we made it to MAnistee, Michigan Monday the 11th. After we left Kentucky we stopped in Marion, Indiana for a week to visit with Denise's family. It was cold, windy and rainy the whole week. Then we stopped in Coldwater, Michigan for a week to visit my family. Weather was a little better, with one day in the 80s.

The trip to Manistee was a windy one. Had 20 to 30 mph side winds the whole trip. Didn't bother us all that bad except the fuel mileage. The wind cut the mileage down a couple of mpg.

We're all set up here and worked today. It was hard to work all day when you are used to being lazy all winter. That's OK, I really need to work hard every day to lose the weight I found in Florida this winter. LOL

The weather up here has been great so far. The next couple days is going to be good, then cooling off a bit.

OK I'm tired and going to set back and relax now.
